Aquatic Therapy

Do You Know About The Healing Properties Of Water For Chronic Pain?

“As a physical therapist, I appreciate the value of using water in therapy. I get to see patients and athletes decrease their pain, increase their function, or return to their normal lives, better and faster.” – Angela Maine, HydroWorx
“I am able to move and I don’t hurt. I am thrilled to tell everybody about the wonderful benefits of the warm water and the different depths that they can adjust the water to, so that we can take the stress off the different joints, which is exactly what I knew I needed.” – Anonymous

Physical therapy that takes place in water, usually in a clinic pool, is known as aquatic therapy. This type of therapy is preferred if you want to reduce the amount of pressure on the joints, allowing you to move with less pain. It offers relaxing effects that can help with pain alleviation, relaxation, and improved mobility. Aquatic therapy is also known as water therapy, aquatic rehabilitation, aqua therapy, pool therapy, therapeutic aquatic exercise or hydrotherapy.

Aquatic therapy is different from aquatic exercise or aquatic fitness because it is a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialty that requires the involvement of a trained professional and is covered by many insurance providers due to the personalized nature of the treatment. Aquatic exercise does not need to be supervised by a trained professional. It is also not covered by insurance, and it often takes place in a group setting that includes multiple people with different levels of physical fitness.

To learn more about how our qualified Holly Springs, NC or Greensboro, NC physical therapists can help you with water therapy treatments, contact MEDIQ Physical Therapy immediately.

How water works diagram from HydroWorx.

What Conditions Can Benefit From Aquatic Therapy?

This therapy has been practiced for hundreds of years by many cultures and is offered at MEDIQ Physical Therapy. We are the ONLY rehab facility in our area to offer the most advanced form of aquatic therapy today, the HydroWorx EVO. It is a private, state-of-the-art hydrotherapy system with many distinct features that set it apart from the standard therapy pools.

  • We are able to quickly vary the water depth with the touch of a button to safely unweight patients or to challenge patients further, which allows for an easier transition to land.
  • The underwater treadmill accurately simulates land-based walking, retro-walking, jogging and sprinting with underwater treadmill speeds ranging from 0.2-6mph.
  • Resistance jets allow for increased conditioning, strength, and flexibility.
  • An attachable underwater massage hose can be employed for scar tissue manipulation, deep tissue massage, and overall wellness enhancement.

This revolutionary therapy can provide truly amazing results for patients of all ages who are suffering from a wide range of diseases, injuries and conditions.

The benefits of aquatic therapy include:

  • Increasing aerobic capacity for better health
  • Improving coordination and balance
  • Reducing stress and promoting relaxation
  • Improving flexibility and movement
  • Assisting with locomotion and gait
  • Building muscle strength and endurance
  • Enhancing the healing process to decrease recovery time
  • Warm water facilitates pain reduction, muscle relaxation, and increases peripheral circulation

Aquatic therapy may be added to your current physical therapy treatment plan under the discretion of our Holly Springs, NC physical therapist.

Benefits Of Participating In Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy at MEDIQ Physical Therapy can provide the following benefits to your physical therapy treatment.

Hydrostatic pressure

With its hydrostatic pressure, you are supported and do not have to fear falling while performing exercises.

Pain Relief

The most obvious advantage of this therapy is pain relief! Many conditions, including arthritis, chronic pain, lower back pain, orthopedic injuries, sprains, strains, and tendinitis, can benefit from aquatic therapy.


It provides a soothing and relaxing environment for aching muscles and joints.


Its natural resistance can be used to increase the rehabilitation process and strengthen muscles.

Improved Breathing

The respiratory muscles are forced to work harder during aquatic therapy, which helps you breathe better.


Water has a natural buoyancy for flotation and reduces gravity on aching muscles and joints. There is less pain when you exercise in water.

Wave propagation/turbulence

Wave propagation and turbulence allow our physical therapist to gently manipulate your body.

Benefits differ from person to person based on what your end goal is for your therapeutic program, but overall you should expect to feel much better after each session with your therapist!

Another important advantage of aquatic therapy is that it can often begin before land-based therapy. For athletes looking to get back into competition, or busy professionals who want to recover from surgery as quickly as possible, this makes a water-based program the natural choice.

What To Expect With Aquatic Therapy

The lower and upper extremities will be targeted during aquatic therapy sessions, which will most likely begin with mild, low-resistance activities. After that, more sophisticated cardiovascular and core motions will be introduced, such as jogging, squatting, arm swings, and leg swings. There will be some strategies for cooling down after your session.

Aquatic therapy sessions are very organized and typically begin with a warm-up. They all take place in the water and will likely begin with gentle, low-resistance exercises to target the core, lower and upper extremities.

This may include brief walking and light stretches. Then they will turn to more injury specific activities, such as spinal stabilization, strengthening, balance and endurance training.

After your session, you will also have some cool-down methods. In many clinics, there will be hydrotherapy jets or a massage hose that provides a deep tissue massage-like experience. This prevents lactic acid from building up and feels great!

Aquatic therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that we are happy to offer at MEDIQ Physical Therapy. One of the biggest benefits of aquatic therapy is it’s FUN!

Not many of us will stick with an exercise program that is painful and awkward and so an exercise program must be not only beneficial but enjoyable. We all want to lead longer and healthier lives, but exercise can be difficult if not impossible, especially for those with health problems. Our Holly Springs, NC and Greensboro, NC physical therapists recognize the positive, healing effect of using water treatments. They understand it is one of the healthiest things that you can do to improve blood pressure, increase cardiovascular endurance, lose weight, help depression, increase flexibility and muscle strength.

Say Goodbye To Pain And Hello To Relief With Aquatic Therapy

Do you believe aquatic therapy is a good fit for you? To get started, make an appointment today!