Therapeutic Activity

Are you living with pain or discomfort? Do you feel like your physical condition is preventing you from fully participating in the life you love? At MEDIQ Physical Therapy in Holly Springs, NC or Greensboro, NC, we understand how difficult it can be to face a loss or restriction of strength or mobility. That’s why our first priority as a practice is to help patients like you access successful treatment methods that promote lasting healing. One way we achieve this is through therapeutic activity.

If you’re interested in learning more about the highly personalized treatments plans we offer, contact our Holly Springs, NC or Greensboro, NC office today to schedule a consultation.

How is therapeutic activity different from therapeutic exercise?

If you’re at all familiar with physical therapy, you may have heard the term “therapeutic exercise” before.

Through therapeutic exercise and therapeutic activity (TA) certainly, sound similar, there are important differences that separate these two rehabilitation methods.

The key thing to remember about TA is that it uses dynamic activities to improve functional performance. Often, these dynamic activities mimic movements you commonly perform in everyday life.

Alternatively, therapeutic exercise programs have patients perform singular physical movements. (Ex: tricep extensions)

What are the benefits of therapeutic activity?

Therapeutic activities can improve your range of motion, strength, and your ability to complete daily tasks.

Our skilled Holly Springs, NC and Greensboro, NC therapists are trained to uncover your specific functional needs. Once the cause of your pain or discomfort is clear, we can develop a personalized TA regime for you.

A few examples of commonly prescribed TAs include:

  1. Lifting a weighted object and placing it on an elevated surface. This activity helps strengthen your overhead shoulder.
  2. Transferring, or moving between seated, standing, and lying positions.
  3. Carrying an object between two locations.
    Bending, either to lift an object or to simply perform the movement.
  4. Catching and throwing objects.

When you perform therapeutic activities under the care of a licensed provider, you are positively conditioning your body. TAs can reduce pain, strengthen your muscles, improve joint health and mobility, help your flexibility and coordination, and much more.

As your treatment plan progresses, it should become much easier for you to navigate the physical demands of your daily life.

Contact MEDIQ Physical Therapy in Holly Springs, NC or Greensboro, NC today!

If you have been searching for a way to improve your body’s functionality and reduce pain, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our licensed therapists.